mercoledì 23 settembre 2009

La presentazione efficace con le slide

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

martedì 22 settembre 2009

Better and worst font!

The better font to use in a PPT slide are Arial and Verdana because they are essential so they are perfect because the distance and the screen make reading difficult.

The worst font to use are Times New Roman and Comics.

Form more information about the font visite the web guide style

Writing PPT slides....

When you prepare your PPT slides it is better to follow some steps:

1) First of all you have to raise ideas and subjects.

2)Than you can organize the ideas: you have to produce an index divided in sections and every section has its subjects. In this step you don't have to write any text, you have only to write "title" and to specify the content of every slide: if it has text, photos, images, graphs...

3) Now you can complete every slide but remember that a slide is not a write version of your speach but a track of this!!!

4) The last step isn't less important: you have to taste your performance!!!!

A slide is a help for the teacher to remember what he have to say in a correct way. It is also a big help for the audience because attract the attention and if you use a tool like ScribbleBoard you can optimize your performance!!!

venerdì 18 settembre 2009



ScribbleBoard Team
is an axpert group of multimedia and communication and we want to give you some tips that can be very usefull.

How many time you thought that your lessons and conferences could be improved?

We think a better way to do this is to use this simple but powerfull software: ScribbleBoard!!!

Scribbleboard is a sort of virtual transparent cling film that you can spread on the screen of your computer, locking every function and you can scribble or write everywere on the screen, as it is a white board!!!!

So, when you use your Power Point modules, or when you show your Exel graphs, or every other document you can draw on them, as on a board.

This is an example of your slide before using ScribbleBoard:

As you can see, this slide is not attractive and your student or your conference audience can be distracted or they can find difficult to give you their attention.

Now look at your slide after using ScribbleBoard:

As you can see, with ScribbleBoard your slides can be very interesting. If you use it during your lessons and conferences you can see an attention increase because you can give more explanation!!! In addition your conferences can become more professional and you will find always someone who asks you: "Where the hell have you found that tool?!?!"

If you want to try this software it is availiable a free demo version and if you think it's a valid tool you can buy it, it costs only $29!!! CLICK HERE TO TRY